Are you interested in making money while you are sleeping for free :)Mini sites is a web site that contain just a few pages of information. Since there isn't many pages to create, mini site is one of the faster ways to make money online.Michael Rasmussen has created a series of free videos showing you how to create mini site and turn the mini site into a profitable moneymaker that runs completely on autopilot. Imagine earn money autopilot :)So far, I have reviewed 7 of the 12 videos series. I am quite surprise to see such a good videos being offer , especially for free. This video series are targeting more towards those that are new to online business, but old timer will sill learn new tips as well. The reason I have to stop watching is, I am so tired now, it is 2 am Zzzzzzzzzzzz, and I am wondering if my writing now make sense.One more thing that worth mentioning is the high quality of these videos. Beside looking great, it sound so clear. It reminds me about some of …