Continued from Using ClickBank To Find Ideas To Create Product To Sell Online 2Now that you have all of the components listed above, I want you to write next to each one what it was about that particular component that made it appealing to you. This doesn’t have to be a long drawn out description. Just one or two sentences that tell why you thought that component were a good part of the offering.Now you have a list of the components of a winning product that got your attention specifically and you cause this as your blueprint to creating your own product. What you have essentially done here is reverse engineered the structure of the offer from the product that you analyzed so that you can use it in creating your own product. There is nothing better than creating a product based on a winning product idea.Next, I want you to re-write the headline at the top of the page under the list you just created but I want you to “really” re-write it, not just copy it. This means I …
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