Do you do a lot of email marketing? Then you are probably looking for some email marketing tips. I’ve got some great tips for you that you can apply straight away, regardless of your product, your client base, or the size of your list.
Firstly the best email marketing tip I can give you is to focus on one message. If you are sending emails that are not newsletters, then you need to focus on one message.
If you keep it to one focus point and you put it right in the first couple of lines of the email message, you will get many more people reading and absorbing the point to your email.
Many people skim read email marketing, and if you have only one message and you make it clear right from the beginning, you are sure to contact your interested buyers without wasting their time.
My second email marketing tip is to make sure that you customize your email. Make sure that you use the customer’s name as much as possible. This makes a huge difference in response and sales generated from email marketing.
People are much more likely to read an email that is clearly addressed to them, and therefore you have the chance of catching their interest. Make sure their name is spelt correctly and addressed properly otherwise people will get annoyed and you will lose their business.
The third email marketing tip is to include a call to action. This is really important because it tells the consumer what to do. Instead of just telling them about a product, tell them to buy it. Tell them to act.
Make sure this call to action is written in a way that is not an order, but more an encouragement. It is ok to repeat it through the email as well, make sure your point is obvious.
People aren’t going to take the time to try to decipher what it is you want from them. This email marketing tip might seem a bit obvious, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t do it. Use a template! Instead of sending out the same generic sales email that everyone else does, take the time to personalise it from a template.
Using the same template for each of your emails will help you to gain a sense of trust and reliability from your consumer. Make sure you provide a plain text version as well so that it is accessible to all readers.
The final email marketing tip is to keep a close eye on your statistics. Most email marketing services and programs will provide a campaign statistics feature so that you are able to monitor what is happening.
You want to know how many people have opened your email, when it’s been clicked on, when it has bounced, and how many people have decided to unsubscribe.
Also, don’t automatically unsubscribe bounced email addresses. There are lots of reasons for an email to bounce, and you could be cancelling out a valid customer. Try the address again at a later date, and if it bounces more than twice, unsubscribe it.
Email marketing is a great way to reach a lot of people in a short amount of time. Hopefully these email marketing tips will help you get better results, today!